Graduation Part 2 :: Walking and Not Tripping

Let’s see,  yesterday we left off at Convocation with BILL NYE!

Following Convocation on Friday, I dragged my entourage to Lento and forced them to eat amazing food and sip incredible drinks.

(Moms didn’t want her picture taken – the humidity does not agree with her coif.)

Saturday we got an early start back at the apartment.


We packed our little moving truck up in under 2 hours! Impressive, hard work was done by all.

And the reward for such labor?  Beers.

Many beers.

Another round, bartender!

Yo, dawg, don’t look at me like that!  I was about to graduate for goddsakes!

Next up, the big show.

The Rochester Institute of Technology’s Graduation Stage.

RIT {Tiger} colors are orange and brown – ehhhyup.

Professors in their funny gowns.  I can’t tell if it makes me want to get my PhD more just so I can wear something like that…

These are the only decent pictures of me from that night.  My smile was pretty out.of.control in most pictures making them un-shareable for internet purposes.

You can check out my excitement in this lovely little video put together by the infamous Nick Nameless.

So surreal to be done.

At least with the Undergrad part.

Still more to come!

Peace, love, and party!