Graduation Part 2 :: Walking and Not Tripping

Let’s see,  yesterday we left off at Convocation with BILL NYE!

Following Convocation on Friday, I dragged my entourage to Lento and forced them to eat amazing food and sip incredible drinks.

(Moms didn’t want her picture taken – the humidity does not agree with her coif.)

Saturday we got an early start back at the apartment.


We packed our little moving truck up in under 2 hours! Impressive, hard work was done by all.

And the reward for such labor?  Beers.

Many beers.

Another round, bartender!

Yo, dawg, don’t look at me like that!  I was about to graduate for goddsakes!

Next up, the big show.

The Rochester Institute of Technology’s Graduation Stage.

RIT {Tiger} colors are orange and brown – ehhhyup.

Professors in their funny gowns.  I can’t tell if it makes me want to get my PhD more just so I can wear something like that…

These are the only decent pictures of me from that night.  My smile was pretty out.of.control in most pictures making them un-shareable for internet purposes.

You can check out my excitement in this lovely little video put together by the infamous Nick Nameless.

So surreal to be done.

At least with the Undergrad part.

Still more to come!

Peace, love, and party!

Better Late Than Never: Graduation Part 1

Well, you will never believe it.


Stephanie Wilson
Bachelors of Science, Nutrition Management.
Minor, Exercise Science.
Highest Honors.

Yes, I know I am a little behind schedule as far as updating the blog on all this –  It was quite the busy weekend (and very long week to follow).

Thankfully, as you remember, I finished all my coursework up on Tuesday night of graduation/finals week, which left me Wednesday to finish up all my packing.  Packing s.u.c.k.s.

Wednesday was dedicated to packing, and Thursday Mom and Dad arrived in town!

That night we went to my favvvvorite Rochester restaurant, The Gate House.

Hello, delicious sweet potato french fries.  Gobble + gone.

And White Goat Cheese Pizza. Heaven, I’m in heaven.

(Definitely not Low FODMAP/gluten-free friendly – and yup, I paid for it, but oh, so delicious at the time.)

Friday was dedicated to some cleaning of the apartment with the ‘rents.  (Yes, I owe them big time.)

Goofing around.

Such a wise old owl.

And then Convocation with BILL NYE!

According to University News, there was over 6,000 people in attendance to hear his keynote address.  People (including my entourage) were ushered into overflow seating in the hockey arena.  He encouraged us to, “Dare I say it, Chaaaaangee the Worrrllddd!” particularly when it came to issues of global warming.  The whole speech was pretty awesome, kind of like a live Bill Nye the Science Guy TV show.  I was really hoping for a bucket of water to be splashed in his face for a big finale, but no dice.  I guess I wouldn’t want to spend the next hour or so in wet clothes either…

It was such an amazing feeling to be surrounded by all of the RIT graduates.  Incredible energy.  I know we are going to have mind-blowing-out-of-this-world-astounding-stupdendous careers.  Yes. Indeed.

Well… some RIT grads may have a tougher time than others…  BUT I believe in us all!

President Bill Destler even mentioned during his speech that he applied to 1,000 jobs before a bite!


Bill Squared!

And on that poor joke, I conclude Part 1 of the Graduation Series.

Later, gators.


My Last Day

I can’t believe that this day is here.

{The past 10 weeks have zoomed by.}

Today is my last day shadowing Carol Plotkin at On Nutrition.

I have learned so much from Carol.  This experience has been invaluable.

I’m not sure if I’ve ever gone into much detail about my experiences, so [without breaking any HIPAA rules] here is a general overview of my experiences.


Let’s start with an quickie, simplified breakdown of what Carol does:

Carol is a private practice dietitian specializing in weight management, sports nutrition, cardiovascular nutrition, diabetes, gastrointestinal health, and much MORE. She helps improve the health and wellness of her clients through counseling and coaching, with the goal of empowering and providing the tools to allow for change and progress toward individuals’ goals.  Carol dispenses the most recent nutrition information and research to her clients, along with specialized meal plans and guidelines for nutritional change.  She spends an enormous amount of time and effort on each client to ensure they are set up for success!


Now that you know Carol does, let’s take a look in to what types of daily activities goes on in a private practice:

March 19
+ Introduction to the Metabolic Cart to read BMRs
+ Prepped to speak to a local high school cream team about eating to support athletics, “power” foods and pickle juice (for cramping).

March 26
+ Follow-up appointments with two clients: one with low FODMAP recommendations, and the other a boxer looking to cut weight
+ Observed counseling and recommendations for a client with excessive water retention following surgery
+ Submitted SOAP notes to insurance companies
+ Explore the Nutrition Entrepreneurs Dietetic Practice Group opportunities and signed up for their ListServ e-mail

April 2
+ Composed article on Barrett’s Esophagus for On Nutrition’s blog while Carol attended the ACSM annual conference

April 9
+ Observed counseling for a Gout client
+ Observed recommendations client undergoing surgical menopause with an estrogen-sensitive tumor
+ Received an introduction to Office Ally, an electronic medical record keeping and billing system

April 16
+ Accompanied Carol to market her business at Doctor’s offices where we distributed her business cards, brochures, sticky-note pads, and cover letters with listings of her services
+ Observed a follow-up/coaching session with a weight loss client

April 23
+ Submitted insurance claims on Office Ally
+ Reviewed and discussed Carol’s recent trip to Washington D.C. for the Public Policy Workshop
+ Prepared a meal plan using the exchange system for a weight loss client using information from the metabolic cart reading and caloric expenditure calculated from METs of activity
+ Observed an initial visit for a weight loss client

April 30
+ Gave a presentation and distributed information to high school parents about healthy eating for athletes
+ Opened a bank account for the business, learned about the differences between being a Sole Proprietor vs. a PLLC
+ Observed recommendations for a weight-loss client

May 7
+ Attended the NYSDA Annual Meeting and Expo

May 14
+ Visited Congressman Reed’s office to discuss and advocate for the Farm Bill and Preventing Pre-Diabetes in Medicare
+ Follow-up appointments with an weight management clients – one looking to becoming more defined and one post-partum woman


And this is only one day out of the week! Private practice dietitians work hard!

As you can see, the clients and activities are varied.  Things are never the same day-to-day, which I love.  I also love the fact that you absolutely must stay up to date on the most current research.

I know it’s still early in my career, but private practice is totally for me!

A HUGE thank you to Carol Plotkin for donating her time, energy, and resources to allow me this amazing experience! I have learned more than I could have imagined over these past 10 weeks and I truly appreciate it!

And for those future RDs who are interested in private practice, get on the NEDPG ListServ, contact an RD in your community, and gain experience!  Your eyes will be opened and a fire will be lit in your little bellies!

Be Inspired and Do Work!

Packin’ It Up

Holy smokes! This week has gone flying by!

Let’s Recap:

  • Monday: Massive amounts of homework (aka busy work)
  • Tuesday: SDA Bake Sale, final presentation for Community Nutrition, last meeting with my two weight-loss clients
  • Wednesday: Final exam for Product Development, scrubbing the food lab, purchasing the senior gift for our advisors, SDA leadership hand-off meeting/party
  • Today: Last nutrition counseling session, more homework

Plus training for my half marathons.

And packing.

Which is just slightly depressing.

Yes, I buy my moving boxes.  I’m weird like that.  (I want my stuff to be clean and fresh. I think I get that from my Mom.)

It took me far too long to figure out how to put the damn boxes together.  Apparently, I am more of a linguistic learner, versus spatial, as according to Gardner.  Either that, or the directions are just terrible.


My next challenge was to figure out what to put in the boxes.

Trying to organize books into piles, somewhat dependent on my immediate need.  This pile needs work – I’m fairly certain I will not need He’s Just Not That Into You and French Women Don’t Get Fat any time soon. Ha!

Knick-knacks go in one pile.

Furniture-y stuff in another pile.

As you can see, I have a lot of work ahead of me.

I’m just trying to avoid this look as we drive the 3,000 miles across country.

Moving? Or going to the dump?

I’d much rather bask in my accomplishments…


A little surreal to be wrapping up the year.

Stay cool.



One Month


Today is Tuesday, Day 2: Week 7 of the Last Quarter of Undergrad.

One month from today, I will be done with my final exams.

One month from today, my parents will arriving in Rochester.

One month from today, I will be preparing to graduate COLLEGE!

[I say preparing, as Convocation with BILL NYE! is on the 25th and the actual graduation ceremony for the College of Health Sciences and Technology is not until the 26th.]



Gosh, it has taken me long enough…

It’s been a whirlwind tour. 

2004 Graduate Wenatchee High School
2004 – 2005 Illinois Wesleyan University for Music Theater Performance
2005 – 2007 American Musical and Dramatic Academy for Music Theater Performance [Graduate]
2008-2009 Monroe Community College for Music Education


2009 – 2010 Monroe Community College for Nutrition
2010 – 2012 Rochester Institute of Technology for Dietetics


2012 – 2013 California Polytechnic State University for Dietetic Internship + grad creds
2013 – 2014 Continuing with Masters at Cal Poly? Or other equally awesome school.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Old meme.  Get over yourself.

I’m really okay with it though.

Perhaps I will be changing my tune once I acknowledge my enormous student loan debt…

But for now?

Ignorance is bliss!


I’m really trying not to draw too many conclusions/inferences/suppositions with the government and myself here…

Okay, not going to think about this anymore!

Later, dreamers.